Friday, August 6, 2010

Green Polo Dirty Pants

My favorite bum on Broad St. outside of my office makes my mornings.
He always has the same thuggish ruggish outfit on.. ripped green polo shirt, awfully dirty beigeish off white pants, white high top shoes, and dirty brown baseball cap. I'm not sure what he does with his time other then attempt to sell newspapers and convince me to buy him a cup of coffee. We shared a snickerdoodle cookie the other day, and he seemed so pleased by the taste of sugar. He always gets really excited when I roll up onto the sidewalk on my bike.."YOOOU RODE HER TODAY!" He seems so beaten down and exhausted, beaty eyes, and a broken out face. Little man takes care of my bike everyday. I just want to give him the biggest hug and feed him daily.

^Things I will miss about Columbus. (all the bums know me and take care of my bike)

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