Sunday, July 11, 2010

Jenny sans teeth weekend.

My right bottom and top wisdom teeth were finally removed this past Friday after a struggle of finding insurance and battling between lying, needing to really get them out, money issues, etc. All for you, Peace Corps!!! (and I suppose for me in the end as well, psh)

I did a whole lot of ... nothing. Too much facebook stalking. Too much rolling my eyes at my mom while she was being precious and making me homemade soups and smoothies. And while she was also yelling at me about stains on my sweat pants and t-shirts. Over it.

Didn't read books like I said I would. Instead, compulsively browsed tumblr and added new tumblrs. Watched Uruguay vs. Germany, The Two Escobars, Alice in Wonderland, About six episodes of Roseanne, and Spain vs. Holland. Going to go ahead and say it. Soccer brings nations together like no other sport I have ever seen. And I will forever be confused at the passion for American football...maybe I should just learn the logistics? Or maybe I will just be biased and forever love futbol because of my family. And love how even in the most poor of countries, compost is used to make a goal and any measly ball works as a soccer ball. Cheesy moment.

Not going to work tomorrow. Whoops. Definitely not going to work since it is 2:41 AM....I'm still quite swollen. Stretched out funny looking skin. And why not continue my Bon Iver music marathon tomorrow morning?

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