Monday, July 19, 2010


"Leaving aside debates about lives lost and billions of dollars spent, the war in Iraq alone is producing 43.3 million metric tons of carbon dioxide per year, they estimate. Of Americans’ daily consumption of about 19.4 million barrels in 2008, the year on which the study focused, about 2.4 million barrels of oil a was imported from the Middle East." -Matthew L. Wald, NY Times.

That is shameful and makes me want to physically throw things. WHY ARE WE SO WASTEFUL. I mean of course we've heard "this war is pointless, what are we doing there, yatata." But hitting hard home for me is just how much money, precious resources, and time we waste everyday compared to other countries on EVERYTHING. Someone please explain to me the reason to have 3 fridges in one home. Or 10 of everything. Or 20 shirts, exact same design, simply a different color. Now don't get me wrong, I'm guilty of being a bit lazy and wasteful as well, mainly with food and items I hoarde at home. But I will never understand the concept of buying in excessive bulk or XXL sodas. We are so lucky to have hot water! In the village where my mom is from in Colombia, I have vivid memories of having to wake up and shower in ice cold, pinched nerve sort of water. My mom figured out it would be a good idea to take a giant pot of water and boil it so I would stop crying in the metallic holocaust shower. Also, we have air conditioning ! With this hot hot summer in the United States, the air conditioning for the entire country is currently emitting more energy then the whole continent of Africa. That is absolutely mind blowing to me. However, our population is obviously much larger, but still...... mind blowing. I'm not sure what is powering this rant of mine. Maybe because my power has been out since last night?

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