Since I'm far away from home, I suppose an update on my life from time to time would be a good idea. And the fact that I sit at a desk for eight hours 4 out of the 7 days of the week gives me another reason to break from researching!
I just walked to Dupont Circle and had lunch with pigeons. Dupont Circle is two blocks from where I work and it's surrounded by benches, chess tables and a giant fountain in the middle. All sorts of people gather there at lunch time and eat, read, talk loudly on their phone, etc. etc. The chess tables are hilarious because there are an array of businessmen playing chess with scandalous homeless men. It's ridiculous.

This morning I woke up and felt like I had been pounded with ten bricks in my sleep. This has led me to have zero motivation at work today. I just finised writing a brief about El Salvador's elections, and next I have to work on a country brief. I've been staring at the list of possible countries I can write about for awhile now, and have only researched two or three of the countries. Helping with my mood is a bit of homesickness I'm feeling due to being in Columbus over the weekend. I am absolutley in live with D.C, but sometimes wish I had better company. I'm
still getting settled into work, and I'm not sure if that's normal since I have been here for over two weeks now. I haven't closely connected with anyone I work with quite yet, and living with eleven people is entertaining, but I wish I could focus on work more often when I need to do it. I know this experience is going to be worth while (and I swear I do like it), but all the changes are still sinking in.
On a lighter note,
I'm going to a vineyard in Notheren Virginia on Sunday and I am soooo incredibly excited. The last time I went to a vineyard I was ten, and visited Napa, California. Being ten years old in a vineyard amounts to excess complaining and no fun.
oh and,

even Fidel Castro knows how to pose for senior pictures.
I went on a Volksmarch through a vineyard in Germany... that was cool...
oh fidel, you kill me!
woooooooooooo girl
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