Halloween ended up being exactly what I wanted it to be. Highball was ridiculous, and I am so impressed with the city of Columbus' development in the past ten years. More people are coming to Columbus for special events, and I love to see the city growing. It sadly makes it harder for me to want to grow up and get out.
I somehow convinced Arvind and Mike to join me at Get Right for the Halloween madness. Other then Mike losing his keys, it was a successful, Kelis and Nas dance filled night.
I wish I lived at closer distances from my family so I could partake in events such as these:

That is my insanely cute baby cousin, Emma who lives in New York.
On an election note,
HOW IS IT TOMORROW?? I have been covering this since January 2007, and I cannot belive that a new president is going to be elected tomorrow. D.C's atmosphere on this election is not as hyped up as I thought it would be. Obviously, most of the coverage is in the battleground states, and what does two electoral votes mean to Obama or McCain? Not much. However, I suppose everyone is in their offices furiously working on articles and preparing for the big day. D.C better be on fire tomorrow!
MOST IMPORTANTLY, VOTE. Shutup for the next four years if you don't vote.